Electric bicycles by Velorapida were conceived by two friends with a passion in common: vintage bicycles.
See our video, with Ludovico explaining the idea behind Velorapida
Our history
Alberto and Ludovico had been looking for a good solution to move around town fast and easily, but they could not find a nice e-bike, with a good balance between design and technology, innovation and tradition.
From this idea they managed to join their passion with their needs: featuring elegance and style in an electric bike, conceiving something new… a complete range of vintage electric bicycles.
Together with an Italian manufacturer with 90 years experience in bikes manufacturing, they started designing and testing the new bikes, in respect of the traditional Italian design and elegance. With Velorapida they created a unique collection of fast and elegant bicycles, with vintage flair and several possibilities of customization.
The idea to hide the battery in the front leather bag was the winning solution.
The first Velorapida models were launched in Summer 2013 and immediately caught the attention thanks to their distinctive features. In a few months the team started to grow, when Laura joined Velorapida to take care of web marketing and sales.
Velorapida is based in Milan, all e-bikes are handcrafted in Italy and sold exclusively on line.
Our Products
Each Velorapida is made in Italy with focus on quality and passion for details, following the world renowned tradition of Italian manufacturers integrated with innovation, safety and reliability.
Velorapida is power: in each Velorapida the battery is hidden in the front leather bag, which can be in leather, wood or wicker. Thanks to the 250-watt motor allowing 5 different levels of speed, the bikes reach a speed of 25 km per hour for over 60 km. All models are equipped with a LCD display to monitor and adjust the speed and to check the mileage, with automatic two-speeds SRAM transmission and with a wireless system stopping the motor when brakes are activated. The wheels have hand mounted reinforced stainless steel spokes.
Velorapida is fashion: each Velorapida is made in Italy with focus on quality and passion for details, following the world renowned tradition of Italian manufacturers integrated with innovation, safety and reliability. All accessories and leather parts are made by Italian artisans.
Velorapida is convenience: for your daily use all you need is a good breakfast and approximately one euro every 500km for the battery charge. No parking costs, no property fee and low maintenance costs, just like any other bike.
Velorapida is social: you will enjoy your town or commuting to work with a different perspective. Cyclists aren’t protected within the comfortable confines of a car, but are immersed in the surroundings in which they ride and can easily stop to chat with a friend or check out a new shop.
Velorapida is for everyone: cycling is an excellent cardiovascular exercise. Furthermore it helps to release stress and improves reflexes and balance. With Velorapida you can decide the level of electric assistance and therefore choose the degree of your effort. Of course it can be also used as a normal bike, just switching off the pedal assist system.
Velorapida: classic outside, electric inside.
View our catalogue of traditional e-bikes or the new range of e-bikes VeloPlus with the latest all-in-thewheel technology Bike+ by ZeHus.